The China Oxford Scholarship Fund grants up to 20 awards annually with amounts up to £20,000. The duration of these awards is for one academic year. All the awards are open to any subject. However, some have preferences for a particular area of study or a particular college at the University of Oxford.
China Oxford Award – Open to any subject. Number of awards, usually about three to four, vary each year depending on applicants.
Hoare Family Award – Preference will be given to those studying in social sciences. This Award is made possible with support from Alexander Hoare & The Golden Bottle Trust.
The Spirit of Hong Kong Award – Preference to Pharmacology, Biochemical or Medical-related research but, depending on applicants in any given year.
Tang Oxford Award – Preference is given to mainland Chinese students studying in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects.
Wei Oxford Award – The Award is open to any subject.
Winkler Oxford Award – Preference will be given to those studying in the area of Medicine or Psychology.
Pay It Forward Award – Open to any subject. The Award was established by former William Louey Education Foundation Oxbridge scholars.
Brian Keelan Award – Preference is given to students studying Philosophy, History, Theology, Classics, English Literature, Byzantine Studies and Medieval Studies. Applicants attending University College are also given preference. The Award was established in memory of Brian Keelan who studied PPE at University College, Oxford. The Award was established by friends and family of the late Brian Keelan.
Thomas Wong Award – Open to any subject.
Yan Oxford Award – Open to any subject.
Magdalen Award – Preference given to Magdalen College students or those studying Computer Science or Engineering.
China Oxford Honorary Awards – Open to any subject. Available to candidates in recognition to academic excellence and extra-curricular leadership.